
How the Global Elite is Going to Dramatically Reduce the Population

Conspiracy theories about depopulation of the Earth come in a number of flavors. The general theme running through these theories is either that there is an imminent plan to reduce population using an [alleged] overpopulation crisis as the pretext, or a secret eugenics plan cover-up.

The elite thus need to kill off the “useless eaters” so, in the first case, they survive the crisis and, in the second, they can create either enough robots to replace them, or a new race of obedient super-humans.

Useless eaters

“Useless eaters” is a term often bandied about by conspiracy theorists. This is supposedly what the heads of the New World Order/ Illuminati/ Bilderbergs/ Reptoids/ whatever call us in their meetings in smoke-filled rooms while they light their cigars with $100 bills.

It is also sometimes used by survivalists and wrongly attributed to Henry Kissinger. It is also commonly ascribed to Ted Turner, Adolf Hitler, Thomas Malthus, and Bertrand Russell.

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