
Document Shows The CIA Recruited Top Quantum Physicist To Help Them Figure Out How UFOs Work

Although UFOs are no longer the fringe topic they once were, the official campaign of secrecy and ridicule against their becoming public knowledge, as described by former CIA director Roscoe Hillenkoetter, is still in effect.

Recent episodes of Bill Nye’s new show, for example, openly ridiculing UFOs on national television, make this clear. The close relationship the CIA holds with the media is clearly at play here.

A wise person once said that “condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance,” and that is no less true when it comes to UFOs, a field so full of witness testimony and hard evidence that it’s a wonder mainstream media can still avoid covering it.

How anybody can still deny the existence of UFOs when the world’s brightest minds have been actively studying the phenomenon and the evidence available for decades is a mystery. Indeed, intelligence agencies like the CIA are recruiting the world’s top scientists to do so.

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