
TSA facial biometric body scanners and government watchlists being used in train stations

The TSA is winning the war on Americans minds as commuters are being tricked into giving away their rights without a fight.

The above video warns that facial recognition body scanners are coming to a train station near you...

"Soon you might have to pass through one of these to get to your train or subway."

Last week, the TSA Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority 'voluntarily' asked commuters to walk through facial recognition body scanners before being allowed to board a train.

If you watched the video you might have noticed that the mass media (CBS) did not interview a single person who was concerned about their privacy. Instead, they quoted passengers who think body scanners are a good thing.

Nothing suspicious about that, right?

CBS warned that if the LA Metro installs body scanners next year, commuters won't be able to opt-out.

According to an article in the LA Times, the LA Metro has begun piloting biometric body scanners that send short-wave radio frequencies through commuters bodies to search for bombs and weapons.

A 'pilot program' is really a government euphemism for gauging the public's response to another intrusive police search.


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