Head of DHS Just Admitted Drug War is a ‘Waste of Time’ at Stopping Drug Crisis

The “War on Drugs” has failed so miserably, that now even the head of the Department of Homeland Security is admitting that it is won’t stop the current drug crisis.

DHS Secretary John Kelly testified before Congress on the Trump Administration’s 2018 Homeland Security budget request on Tuesday.

He told Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) he believes the current methods used by the United States are a “complete waste of time,” given that fact that there is still such a high demand for the same drugs the U.S. is trying to eliminate.

“If we don’t reduce the drug demand in the United States for heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine, this is all a complete waste of time,” Kelly said.

“The bad news for Mexico and the southwest border is, largely because of our drug demand, an incredibly efficient network has developed that stretches, frankly, from around the world, goes through the Western Hemisphere … into the United States.”

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