
US Prison officials no longer respond to CIA whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling’s health complaint

Jeffrey Alexander Sterling is an American lawyer and former CIA employee who was arrested, charged, and convicted of violating the Espionage Act for revealing details about Operation Merlin to journalist James Risen.

Jeffrey’s wife Holly passed a bit of information and the news is not reassuring.

“Jeffrey continues to have cardiac issues. He has not been to a physician since the initial consultation. There have been instances when he does not know if his heart medication prescription will even be filled.”

“There has been no movement from the appellate court whatsoever. So we are at a status quo. Jeffrey continues to languish in a federal correctional facility for being a Patriot.”

Please write him to show your support.

Jeffrey Sterling, 38338-044
FCI Englewood

A Dubious Case

The reporter, James Risen, refused to identify his sources. During the trial, Special Agent Ashley Hunt admitted that there was absolutely no email records, no phone call records and that no one had witnessed the two being together exchanging classified information.

Appealing the conviction

As the Court reviews his conviction, it appears that Judge Gregory seems to be very critical of the ‘evidence’ presented by the prosecutor.

Just because Sterling and Risen were communicating does not prove that Sterling was also leaking classified information.


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