Showing posts with the label prison industrial complex

Florida prisons — all of them — on lockdown

All of Florida’s 97,000 state prison inmates are on lockdown — and will remain confined to their dorms at least through the weekend — in response to unspecified threats about potential rioting, offic…

Dennis Hastert released from prison after serving just 13 months behind bars for paying out hush money to hide his sexual abuse of young boys

Dennis Hastert was released from a federal prison in Minnesota on Monday after 13 months behind bars and returned home to Illinois. The former Speaker of the House was sentence back in 2016 for payin…

$15 for 15 minutes: How Courts Are Letting Prison Phone Companies Gouge Incarcerated People

In 2013 and then again in 2015, President Barack Obama’s Federal Communications Commission, the body that regulates the prison phone industry, moved to alleviate the burden of the impossible choice l…

Will The Feds Turn Ammon Bundy Into A Martyr?

Ammon Bundy was tortured in the Pahrump Federal prison this week. He was shackled and placed in a 3 foot by 3 foot shower stall, and left for 13 hours with no food and water. He was told that they or…

US Prison officials no longer respond to CIA whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling’s health complaint

Jeffrey Alexander Sterling is an American lawyer and former CIA employee who was arrested, charged, and convicted of violating the Espionage Act for revealing details about Operation Merlin to journa…

What Is Rikers Island?

The New York Times has been examining problems at Rikers Island, as well as the New York City Correction Department, which oversees it. Here’s what you need to know. Mayor Bill de Blasio has declared…

How the Texas prison system created a terror group: FBI files on the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas

The Aryan Brotherhood of Texas (ABT) is a prison gang known for its overtly racist and white nationalist philosophy. Despite similarities in their name and organizational structure, the ABT is no mor…

Crime Prediction Software Is Here and It's a Very Bad Idea

There are no naked pre-cogs inside glowing jacuzzis yet, but the Florida State Department of Juvenile Justice will use analysis software to predict crime by young delinquents, putting potential of…

New High In U.S. Prison Numbers

More than one in 100 adults in the United States is in jail or prison, an all-time high that is costing state governments nearly $50 billion a year and the federal government $5 billion more, accordi…

The New Jim Crow: How the War on Drugs Gave Birth to a Permanent American Undercaste

by Michelle Alexander In the "era of colorblindness" there's a nearly fanatical desire to cling to the myth that we as a nation have "moved beyond" race. Here are a few fa…

Bail Burden Keeps U.S. Jails Stuffed With Inmates

According to the Justice Department, two-thirds of the people in the nation's jails are petty, nonviolent offenders who are there for only one reason: They can't afford their bail. Read…

Scarface 4 Life - Inside Riker's Island

Hard hitting documentary from an ex Riker's Island C.O. & inmates.


We have determined that the incident in Montana is not “Martial Law” or some FEMA Camp waiting in the wings. No… They use your sports Stadiums and G -20 police for that. The question of using priv…

Cele Castillo ordered to report to federal prison

Judge revokes former DEA agent’s bond even after being made aware of prosecutorial misconduct allegations Castillo, as well as other law enforcers who spoke with Narco News, contend the federal pr…

Secretive U.S. Prison Units Used to House Muslim, Animal Rights and Environmental Activists

The government is using secretive prison facilities on U.S. soil, called Communication Management Units, to house inmates accused of being tied to “terrorism” groups. They overwhelmingly include Mu…
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