
‘Star People’ and ‘Flying Shields’ Are Familiar Notions Inside Native American Tribes

Cultures with a deep understanding of the metaphysical planes of existence still recall a remote period in time when humans freely interacted with “people from the stars,” and it all happened on this planet we call our home.

Prior to the merciless conquest of the Americas by the rapacious Europeans, there were various cultures in these areas not sharing the beliefs of the colonialists, but instead possessing unique belief systems, as well as precious ancient knowledge.

Much of this information had been eradicated by the colonialists of that era, but several ideologies were fortunate enough to surpass the test of time and are now offering bewildering insight, since these ancient concepts are contradictory to the established Western paradigm.

Surviving tribes speak of the “Star People,” a term referring to various beings of otherworldly origins who at some point in time descended from the sky in order to share some of their wisdom with the early inhabitants of the Earth worthy of their “gifts” of knowledge.

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