REAL Scientist Schools TV Personality Bill Nye On Carbon Dioxide: 'It's A Natural Gas, Not A Pollutant & Plants Love It'

In case you still thought that TV personality Bill Nye was a real “science guy,” this ought to disabuse you of that belief.

In a recent interview on uber-Left-wing CNN, where kooks and crackpots like Nye are made to feel right at home, the mechanical engineer (that’s Nye) had a hissy fit when someone with legitimate brain power and knowledge challenged is Marxist orthodoxy regarding so-called “human-caused climate change/global warming.”

As reported by The Blaze, Nye – who gained notoriety during the 1990s with a kid’s “science” program, has since become a full-blown, dyed-in-the-wool convert to the church of global warming hoaxism.

In his CNN appearance, he actually accused the network of doing a “disservice” to its viewers because they dared to have on a single dissenting climate change voice.

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