
Groundbreaking Documentary Exposing The Biggest Cover-Up in Human History

Dr. Steven Greer, MD and founder of The Disclosure Project and The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), has been on a mission for decades to shed light on the fact that we’re not alone, that we’ve never been alone, and that an ET presence is currently engaging our planet and the human race.

This topic is so broad that it encompasses nearly every area of human study and endeavour, diving into the black budget world, a world that has no oversight from Congress, as well as science, technology, new energy, history, and much more.

It’s a topic when, fully exposed, will definitely ignite a major paradigm shift for the human race.

So far, Dr. Greer has been very successful, having brought forth hundreds of military and political whistleblowers of all ranks, with verified backgrounds, to testify and share their experience in public.

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