The Top 3 Reasons Why the Shadow System Keeps Perpetuating Itself

The System, The Matrix, The Establishment – whatever name you call it by – seems to keep perpetuating itself no matter what.

Puppet politicians come and go, but the System they serve remains fully in place, long after many of these misleaders and control freaks have used up their 5 minutes of fame by bossing people around.

In many cases, the politicians forward another aspect of the Agenda (i.e. Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, the New World Order agenda) only to disappear into obscurity, leaving us with yet more laws, rules and regulations to strangle our freedom.

Have you ever wondered why nothing ever really changes, despite the fact that so many people spend massive amounts of energy cheering for either a left or right jackboot to come down upon their throat during election circus time? 

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