Is An Earth-Bound Spirit Messing With Your Energy?

When the physical body dies people are not always ready to move on. They can choose to remain in the vibration they were at when embodied. They do not have more knowledge. They do not become more enlightened.

They are still subject to the sympathetic person. Why? They feel much more comfortable being in a physical body because that’s what they know. They do not and cannot (without permission) take over the body.

Their subconscious “programming” does influence the living person’s body and mind. If the person whose body in which a spirit attachment is in is sensitive to energy, that person will feel and react to the spirit attachments thoughts and emotions, not realizing they belong to someone else.

Spirit attachments are ‘Earth Bound’ meaning they are stuck in a limbo state even if they don’t realize it. They are also stuck in the emotions and mind set (Programmed beliefs) they had while embodied.

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