Baking Soda Shampoo for Strong Hair and Healthy Scalp

Have you ever read the ingredient list of your shampoo or conditioner? If you haven’t, then let me tell you this: it’s scary.

There are over 12 toxic ingredients to avoid in shampoo and conditioner, mainly because they have been linked with causing cancer, and other disease and illness.

Even shampoos labelled as containing “all-natural ingredients” aren’t safe. They still contain things like DMDM hydantoin and ammonium laurel sulphate. Not things that sound all-natural, right? My rule is – if you can’t eat it, then you shouldn’t put it on (or in) your body.

Try baking soda instead. It enhances the quality of your hair and eliminates the residue of shampoo and conditioners, providing a long-lasting shine of the hair. You can use it instead of your regular shampoo and enjoy its amazing effects.

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