
A Case for LIFE: Stop Spraying Us, Please, We're Dying!

Every day I wake up and look at the sky. Some days the sky is blue and beautiful but other times I see planes flying all across it, spraying us with toxic chemtrails; and, before long, the chemtrails spread out and start blocking the sunlight.

This is called geo-engineering and it’s allegedly designed to fight the nonexistent man-made global warming.

I say nonexistent because the Sun is responsible for Earth’s cooling and warming cycles since the very beginning, long before humans even existed on Earth.

According to the conflicting stories of the powers that shouldn’t be, geo-engineering has either started back in the 70s or hasn’t yet begun, though they’re seriously considering it.

If it hasn’t started yet, then what are we seeing in the sky almost on a daily basis? Here's a picture of something that is not happening, according to most officials:

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