
How to Get Arsenic Out of Your Rice

When you think of the heavy metal arsenic, does it make you think of an old Cary Grant movie or a 48 Hours Mystery?

Or perhaps more recently – making an unfortunate appearance in gluten-free diets everywhere. That’s because arsenic is in our environment and gets soaked up into rice like a straw as it is grown in flooded fields.

Arsenic can build up in the body – mostly undetected – until late stage poisoning symptoms finally manifest as hair loss, confusion, cancer, renal failure, liver disease, hyperpigmentation, edema, convulsions, vomiting, diarrhea, trouble swallowing, muscle cramps, blood in urine, profuse sweating and saliva, saliva that tastes metallic, and breath that smells like garlic.

Be aware that this typically happens from large doses in the body such as through well water, pesticide exposure or an intentional poisoning. Yet, arsenic is very toxic – in the European Union, arsenic is classified as a category 1 carcinogen.

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