
As the Old Matrix Unravels, New Earth Replaces the Old

When we said that the gridwork/framework for the old physical realities had dissolved, this is what we meant. 

What is occurring right now for each still living beneath/in the unconscious matrix program. This unraveling is necessary to bring all things into light. Out there and inside, for both are the same.

Photonic light amplifies, distorts and brings through “bizarre”. For each dimension it is different though. Bizarre is the appearance as photons distort one’s current reality, leaving the old matrix program and entering into a higher dimensional reality now.

Once on the other side, the bizarreness only exists when observing that which is still asleep. This is foreign (alien) to us, for it’s not reality here. It’s a program that continues to play itself out in those timelines/dimensions with those who are not fully awake yet.

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