
Mysterious Roving Light Puzzles Roswell Residents | UFO CHRONICLE – 1932

Roswell Residents Puzzled at Light - The Daily Plainsman (Huron, South Dakota) 6-4-1932
There is a strange light that no one can seem to explain or understand ... it seems to move and when it goes into low places in the road, it sends rays of light over the hill.... (click and or right click to enlarge image)

     There is a strange light that no one can seem to explain or understand ... it seems to move and when it goes into low places in the road, it sends rays of light over the hill....
The Daily Plainsman
(Huron, South Dakota)


One night the strange light came to the gate of a nearby farm house and shown in the window so brightly that it woke up the sleeping children and sent them scurrying down stairs in fright.
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