Showing posts with the label Roswell

Did Bill Clinton Find The Truth Re UFOs?

Bill Clinton had a keen interest in the government’s study of the possibility of alien contact with Earth      [...] ... AAG, Hubbell claimed that President Clinton asked him to find out all that h…

Tom DeLonge Exhibits His Naiveté Re Ufology in Joe Rogan Interview

Tom Delonge has been interviewed by Joe Rogan about Delonge's new company / UFO research on “The Joe Rogan Experience”,see below: Isaac Koi The UFO Chronicles 10-29-17 At 1 hour 2 min…

Hocus Pocus: The Roswell Slides Return

A mainstream media piece by The Guardian from the UK is worth a look for it's portrayal of one of ufology's biggest embarrassments. " The Curious Case Of The Alien In The Photo…

Roswell Witness, Frankie Rowe Has Passed Away

Frankie Rowe, who might well be the last of those who claimed to have handled debris from the Roswell UFO crash, has died. According to Don Schmitt, on Wednesday, July 26, she had surgery but …

Seventy Years After Government Report of Aliens, Roswell Draws UFO Faithful

ROSWELL — One hot day in early July 1947, rancher William “Mac” Brazel told Lincoln County Sheriff George Wilcox that he had found strange debris from some sort of aircraft crash at a remote s…

Roswell celebrates 70th anniversary of UFO incident

[...] The so-called Roswell Incident of 1947 is the reason the city of Roswell started a UFO Festival in 1995 and will host the 2017 festival Thursday, June 29, through Sunday, July 2. By Ol…

Latest MJ-12 Documents: A Final Look

For those of you who tuned into Midnight in the Desert to listen to me discuss the latest MJ-12 document release, well, I was bumped early in the evening because Heather Wade had “overbooked …

The Majestic 12 Documents Are Back …

Just like an over-the-hill, bloated rock band that doesn’t know when it’s time to retire and go away forever, the notorious saga of Majestic 12 is hitting the road and touring again. Will this…

MJ-12: New Document Dump, Labeled 'Ultra Top Secret'

MJ-12 - New Documents, Old Story      Okay, I’ve had time to review the document carefully, or rather given it a solid first reading and I have some points to make. I will note here that in my talks…

Does New Roswell Witness Hold Up To Scrutiny?

John Keel was Right - Another New Roswell Witness      Well, it’s happened again, just as John Keel said it would. As I have mentioned before, Keel had written in 1991 that by the end of the centu…

ROSWELL: Former US Deputy Sheriff Charlie Forgus Saw Alien Bodies?

In a never-before-seen interview, former US Deputy Sheriff Charlie Forgus says he was a witness to the UFO crash at Roswell in 1947      In July 1947 Sheriff Jess Slaughter and Deputy Sheriff Charl…
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