For All Who Want To Prove That Roswell Was an Alien Event – A Challenge Issued By James Carrion

For All Who Want To Prove That Roswell Was an Alien Event – A Challenge Issued By James Carrion

FOIA Pete’s Sake – There’s Roswell Gold in dem Hills!

      I recently pointed out the connection between Carl E. Goldbranson, one of the principal deception planners in the United States and the UFO events of 1947 when Goldbranson’s name was inadvertently disclosed in internal FBI memos. The deception organization that Goldbranson had a long time affiliation with (since 1943) was known as Joint Security Control (JSC) and was subordinate to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

So what does this have to do with Roswell? I will get to that, but first a short history lesson on the origins of Joint Security Control.
James Carrion
By James Carrion

In 1942 when the allies were planning for Operation Torch - the British-American invasion of French North Africa, Fleet Admiral Ernest Joseph King overheard officers at a cocktail party discussing the Torch top secret invasion plans. When Admiral King subsequently found out from his Operations Intelligence Officer Captain George C. Dyer, that 61 persons knew of the plans, King blew a gasket. With such a large number of personnel “in the know”, Torch’s operational security was put at risk.

To mitigate future operational risks, Admiral King in coordination with his Army counterpart General George C. Marshall on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, set up Joint Security Control to prevent such lapses in operational security and made Captain Dyer its first coordinator.

JSC was given broad authority in its original charter and in addition to planning and implementing strategic deception, one of its other primary tasks was to prevent information of military value from falling into the hands of the enemy. This prime directive can be seen in the JSC 1943 charter and reiterated in every revision all the way up to the JSC May 1947 charter, just two months shy of the Roswell incident.

Now let’s dwell on the phrase “information of military value” for a bit. If an extraterrestrial space craft, as Roswell ET proponents believe, crashed on US soil in 1947, was recovered by the Army Air Force and a grand cover-up initiated, then part of the rationale for covering it up would be to maintain exclusive ownership over this technological bonanza. The Cold War was just heating up and the US for damn sure would not want the Russians to have this technology. And which agency just happened to be tasked with keeping such important technology out of the hands of the Soviet Union? Joint Security Control.

Now I would think that the most fervent proponents of the 1947 crash of a UFO near Roswell would be chomping at the bit to explore this new angle. Many of them filled up the FOIA inboxes of the US Air Force, the CIA, the NSA, and every other 3 letter agency in Washington with requests for MJ-12 documents, the alleged organization that initiated the UFO cover up. But unlike the fictional MJ-12, an organization already existed in 1947 to prevent inadvertent disclosure of important military information – Joint Security Control.

So I challenge all who want to prove that Roswell was an alien event to FOIA away for the real organization that would have protected the Roswell secrets - an organization for which real records exist, somewhere in the bowels of a classified Government archive. FOIA for all of the records of Joint Security Control – the real “MJ-12” - not the fake one that sent more than one Ufologist down a deep dark rabbit hole to nowhere.
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