UFO Larger Than Apartment Complex, Reported Over Jasper, Tennessee

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UFO was Larger Than Apartment Complex

     A Tennessee witness at Jasper reported having a strange feeling that caused him to move outside where he watched a silent, rectangle UFO larger than his apartment complex hovering nearby, according to testimony in Case 74637 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was at home in his bedroom when he had a strange feeling to go outside about 6:30 p.m. on October 30, 2015.

“So I jumped up and ran out as fast as I could,” the witness stated. “And I look straight up and there it was – a gigantic, black rectangle with red lights in the shape of a pyramid and one light off to itself on the edge of the craft.”

By Roger Marsh

The witness was amazed at how large the craft was.

“It was so big that it was bigger than the apartment complex I live in.”

The object was moving very slowly.

“I watched it slowly move by. And I mean slowly – almost a hover for about 10 minutes until it got so far I could not see it anymore. I’ve been around military aircraft my whole life and I live close to an Air Force base so I see and have seen every type of flying machines known to man. I have never seen anything like this or that big.”

The witness is not sure what he saw.

“I don’t know if it was a UFO, but it’s the biggest, slowest and most quietist thing that I’ve ever seen in the sky. [...]
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