UFO Psychodrama with President Clinton’s Former Associate, Attorney General Webster “Webb” Hubbell

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Webb Hubbell

A Webb of confusion

     De Void’s UFO psychodrama with President Clinton’s former associate Attorney General Webster “Webb” Hubbell briefly defied rigor mortis last week in yet another round of pointless emails. For latecomers to this adventure of the mind, here’s the cheat sheet first:
Arkansas Supreme Court Chief Justice, Little Rock mayor, and Rose Law Firm partner with Hillary Clinton in the 1970s, Hubbell joined the Clinton Justice Department in 1993. The erstwhile Razorback offensive tackle resigned in 1994 during a tax fraud investigation, which produced an indictment and a conviction. After pulling time in the clanger, Hubbell in his 1997 autobiography Friends In High Places dropped a weird little teaser about how No. 42 assigned him to gather previously undisclosed information about UFOs and the JFK assassination. Webb wrote he didn’t have any luck, and he let it go at that. But his claims begged for elucidation.

By Billy Cox
De Void
In 2012, with a former CIA agent stating he discovered a smoking-gun cache of Roswell evidence in the Agency’s archives in 1995, De Void contacted Hubbell for a response. What followed was a protracted and bizarre exchange that – fshhzzt! – simply fizzled out like a little party balloon. Still, De Void continued to receive Webb’s email blasts because he’s writing books now, nonfiction this time, thrillers evidently. Earlier this month, I got another one touting the upcoming release of quote “the next Jack Patterson Thriller, A Game of Inches, which comes out in May.”

So what the hell, right?
To Webb Hubbell, 2/17/16, 4:18 p.m.: How about a comment or two on the Hillary/Podesta advocacy for transparency on UFOs?

Two minutes later …

To Billy Cox, 2/17/16, 4:20 p.m.: That’s a good idea. W


To Webb Hubbell, 2/17/16, 4:21 p.m.: Seriously, it could help promote your book.

To Billy Cox, 2/17/16, 5:19 p.m.: I’m serious. good idea. W

OK dude. Don’t blow it. Don’t come off all lovesick and craven. Let him sleep on it.

To Webb Hubbell, 2/18/16, 9:13 a.m. Great. Should we do a phoner, or would you prefer a list of email questions?

No reply. But it’s Thursday. Give him the weekend to climb into the attic and lug down all those boxloads of notes.

The weekend comes and goes. Monday comes and goes. Now it’s Tuesday.

To Webb Hubbell, 2/23/16, 10:00 a.m.: Cold feet? I get that. Still – it’s time this country had the long overdue adult conversation. I hope you’ll be a part of it.

To Billy Cox, 2/23/16, 10:13 a.m.: Don’t have cold feet. Its not March yet. W.

Hunh? Doesn’t the weather start to warm up in March? Maybe he’s in the Southern Hemisphere. Either way, screw it, the bobber’s still twitching.

To Webb Hubbell, 2/23/16, 1:26 p.m.: OK, here goes: Was there any context for your assignment to look for UFO records? In other words, were you aware of any longstanding interest by the Clintons in the phenomenon before they got to the White House? Did you ask why President was interested in this subject?

Do you remember exactly when President Clinton initially contacted you about researching UFOs/JFK? Was the assignment a surprise to you, or had you sort of been expecting it? Personally, I might’ve thought someone with military or intelligence credentials would be better positioned to dig for this stuff.

Did you ask for an intelligence briefing on the subject? If so, who did that for you and what were you told? How much time did you devote to your research? Was it just you or did you have staffers helping out? With what agencies or individuals did you consult? Did you check in with John Gibbons at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy? How much did you know about Laurance Rockefeller’s lobbying efforts to bring transparency to this issue? Any interaction with John Podesta on UFOs during this period? When you stated you didn’t find anything, was it because there was nothing there, or was it because you ran into a wall of classification? Were you satisfied with the access you got? When and why did you conclude your search? And how surprised are you today that Podesta and Hillary aren’t afraid to talk about an issue that most politicians wouldn’t touch without strapping themselves into hazmat suits?

Evidently the Clinton library has released more than 7,000 pages of files on the JFK assassination. Were you surprised by anything you discovered on that end?

Again, I’ll be happy to mention your book.

No reply. He’s probably deliriously ecstatic about having his literary endeavors promoted in De Void. I’ll give him a night to steady his nerves. He’ll probably have something waiting for me in my inbox first thing in the morning.

To Webb Hubbell, 2/24/16, 3:05 p.m.: OK, just for the sake of clarity, you were just pulling my chain, right?
The day goes by. Then another day. And another. This is soooo not the way to get De Void to rave about the next Jack Patterson Thriller.
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