Showing posts with the label transparency


ICWATCH is a project to collect and analyze resumes of people working in the intelligence community. People working for intelligence contractors, the military, and intelligence agencies frequently me…

Hidden from the Public: The United Kingdom’s Drone Warfare

The use of armed drones by the United States, both within the conflict zones of Iraq and Syria, and further afield in Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen, continues to be characterized by minimal public tra…

NYPD Attempts to Block Surveillance Transparency Law With Misinformation

The NYPD is notorious for flouting the New York State Freedom of Information Law for even the most routine requests about police activity, contracts, and policies. Regarding surveillance technology, …

Five examples of the NYPD’s commitment to “transparency”

Earlier today journalist Matthew Chayes reported that NYPD Deputy Commissioner John Miller called the department “the most transparent municipal police department in the world” in testimony before Ne…

Increased Transparency Re Disclosures of Intelligence Records

      In the final days and weeks of the Obama Administration, intelligence officials took steps to promote increased transparency and made several noteworthy disclosures of intelligence policy re…

Clinton Aide Still Mum on UFOs

Last month, Canadian researcher Grant Cameron, arguably the leading authority on the Clinton administration’s dalliance with UFOs in the Nineties, condensed his research into an ebook called T…

‘…Bringing Transparency To Federal UFO Records’

Pushing for a game change      Seriously, man, what does John Podesta know about the national character that we don’t? The Clinton machine has opened a massive lead over Bernie Sanders and is steam…

UFO Psychodrama with President Clinton’s Former Associate, Attorney General Webster “Webb” Hubbell

Tweet A Webb of confusion      De Void’s UFO psychodrama with President Clinton’s former associate Attorney General Webster “Webb” Hubbell briefly defied rigor mortis last week in yet another round…

Google's New Transparency Tool: A Window Into Government Surveillance

Google's new tool displays the number of "user requests" that Google received from various governments from July to December 2009. According to the tool, the company received thousands …

MAPLight.org Shows Links Between Politicians' Votes, Campaign Contributions

It's no mystery that money has become a key factor in American politics. But until now it's been difficult to show voters just how closely politicians hew to the interests of their political …

WH Press Corps Forbidden to Ask Certain Questions

By Wayne Madsen WMR has learned from a veteran member of the White House Press Corps that the Obama administration has made it known through White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and other Wh…

Federal Reserve Seeks to Protect U.S. Bailout Secrets

The Federal Reserve asked a U.S. appeals court to block a ruling that for the first time would force the central bank to reveal secret identities of financial firms that might have collapsed withou…

Release of secret reports delayed:Spy agencies foil Obama plan for transparency

President Obama will maintain a lid of secrecy on millions of pages of military and intelligence documents that were scheduled to be declassified by the end of the year, according to administration…

The 2009 Corruption Perceptions Index

Transparency International has just released its 2009 Corruption Perceptions Index, the preeminent, annual study of governmental corruption levels around the world. Read full article »» Corrup…

Introducing Unredacted, an inside scoop on government secrecy

After nearly a quarter century of uncovering government secrets, the National Security Archive today opens its virtual doors with a new behind-the-scenes blog, Unredacted: The National Security Arc…

CIA Urges Judge To Keep Bush-Era Documents Sealed

In an affidavit, CIA Director Leon E. Panetta defended the classification of records describing the contents of the 92 videotapes, their destruction by the CIA in 2005 and what he called "sens…
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