
Motorist Reports UFO Hovering Along Interstate 70

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Motorist Reports UFO Hovering Along Interstate 70

     An Indiana witness at Greencastle reported a hovering, glowing sphere along Interstate 70 that appeared to move toward the ground level, according to testimony in Case 74094 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was driving to work about 7:05 a.m. on January 25, 2016, along eastbound Interstate 70 near the Greencastle exit when a light in the sky was first seen and thought to be attached to an antenna.

“I then realized the light I could see was not flashing like the ones on those antennas,” the witness stated.“The object was hovering in place.”

By Roger Marsh

The witness was driving and could not stare directly at the object.

“I once again trained my attention back to the object. It was now beginning to move horizontally to the right from my perspective. This lasted only a few seconds.”

But then the object seemed to take a nose dive.

“The object suddenly descended almost straight down into the treeline. It moved so fast I expected to see smoke or something to begin to rise in the area it happened. I did not see anything after that. I later checked online news to see if there had been any flight accidents or meteor sighting. Nothing had been reported to my surprise. I am a rational person with analytically-inclined conclusions. My reporting of this event was not taken lightly. I cannot explain what I witnessed.” [...]
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