This Little Known Grape Has 40X More Cancer Killing Resveratrol Than Red Wine

Have you ever heard of Muscadine grapes? They’re not exactly well known across most of the country, but science is confirming that these unique fruits are antioxidant superstars and have an abundance of a cancer-fighting compound called resveratrol.

by Yelena Sukhoterina

First discovered by the colonists about 400 years ago on Roanoke Island of North Carolina, Muscadine grapes became very popular to grow in that state and a few other southern states.

They are in peak season right now until mid-fall, and they can be found at a few supermarkets across the nation and were spotted at Whole Foods earlier this week. It’s the perfect time to try them and see for yourself why the Muscadine variety Scuppernong became the official state fruit of North Carolina in 2001.

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