14 Years Later & People Are Still Waking Up To These Facts About 9/11

What happened on 9/11 was a horrific and unnecessary tragedy, and there are multiple reasons why many victims’ families, along with half the population of America (approximately 160,000,000 people, according to the latest polls), don’t even believe the official explanation given to them by the government. It’s called evidence, and there is an abundance of it.

 by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

One example, of a seemingly endless number of ambiguities surrounding 9/11, is the topic of “false flag terrorism.”

False flag terrorism is the idea that a government would stage a terrorist attack in their own country in order to justify war and the infiltration of a foreign country for their own purposes. This appears to have been the motivation behind 9/11, as well as several other ‘terrorist’ attacks which have occurred around the globe.

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