Our Ancestors’ Language Sounded Like This 6,000 Years Ago

Is it possible that this is how the language of our ancestors sounded in the distant past?

by Ancient Code

The Indo-European languages ​​constitute the largest family of languages ​​in the world in numbers of speakers. To this incredible list, belong most of the languages ​​of Europe and South Asia (about 150 languages ​​spoken by about 3,200 million people or 45% of the world population).

But where do all these languages come from, what is their origin? The first hypothesis of a common origin was proposed in the late eighteenth century by the British scholar Sir William Jones, who noted similarities between four of the oldest known languages: Sanskrit, Latin, Greek and Persian.

German philologist and linguist Franz Bopp supported this hypothesis later, after systematically comparing these with other languages, Bopp was able to find many cognates or terms with the same etymological origin only with different phonetic evolution.

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