5 Ways for Empaths to Shield from Negativity

If you are an empath or a highly sensitive person then it’s important to know there are special and important ways for you to protect your energy and shield yourself.

Your ability to feel and interpret the emotions of others as well as your surroundings can mean that you are also susceptible to the energetic imprint of those very same surroundings.

This is how to go about shielding yourself successfully, and without coming from a place of fear, worry, or “gross-ness.”

Being an Empath means you literally feel what other people are experiencing emotionally. You can feel it in your body, your mood, sensations and in your thoughts. You can also feel it consciously and on a subtle level without realizing it, which is what this recent study found.

What we generally associate as negativity, especially in regard to our energetic surroundings truly just boils down to environmental toxicity.

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