5 Ways Benevolent Extraterrestrials Could Save Our Civilization

For over six years I’ve been involved in the extraterrestrial and disclosure movement. Not only have I met those who have had real contact experiences, I’m one of those rare people who have too.

In fact, I believe contact with these special beings could be a golden ticket to rescuing our planet and civilization from peril.

No, aliens haven’t showed up in my living room looking for a cup of tea. Rather, I’ve had insane UFO sightings and experienced the ethereal presence of ETs so powerfully the experience was undeniable.

One time in Mexico I witnessed nearly 100 orange UFOs streaming across the sky in a DNA spiral. And after staring in awe for nearly an hour I had crop circle like visuals every time I closed my eyes for 3-days. I’ve never thought something like that was possible. And yes, I was completely sober.

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