310 Miles With 1 Litre of WATER: Brazilian Man Shows Why We Don’t Need Gas

A motorcycle able to travel up to 500 kilometres (310 miles) on a litre of water was announced by creator Ricardo Azevedo in Sao Paulo, last month.

It’s called the “T Power H20,” and the design includes a combination of water and a single, external car battery that’s used to produce electricity, and spark the process that separates the hydrogen from the water molecule. As a result, the necessary energy to power the bike is created.

A large amount of skepticism still remains about water-powered machinery. Those who are skeptical will often cite various reasons as to why it’s not possible including the law of thermodynamics.

While others will just lump it in the plain old “conspiracy realm” with no true reason at all. This has many people confused, why would Ruptly TV, a parent company of RT news, The Daily Mail, websites like the motorbike times and more publish this story?

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