UFO and Crop Circle Near Stonehenge

This year’s summer solstice appears to have stirred things up paranormally around everyone’s favorite Neolithic monument – Stonehenge. A black UFO was photographed over the monument and a new crop circle was spotted near it. Are they related?

Details about the UFO photograph are sketchy. The photograph was submitted to a UFO recording agency on June 21st and was purportedly taken shortly before that.

The black UFO appears to be over Stonehenge and two people seem to be looking at it but no other information is given about how long it was there nor how it left the area. It’s estimated to be 20 to 30 feet in diameter.

This would not be the first time a UFO has visited Stonehenge. British ufologist Nigel Watson recalls a disc-shaped object reported a few years ago that shined a beam of light on the ground.

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