You Have About 20 Pounds of Poison in Your Colon – Here is What You Can Do

The colon has one of the most important roles in the human body. It maintains the water balance in the organism, regulates your immune system and helps in digestive process.

For functioning and healthy body, colon is a vital part. The toxic waste will not be removed from the body – it will be absorbed by the wall of the colon, if the colon is not working properly.

24 hours are needed for food to transit through your body. Processed foods that lack of nutrients, fibers and enzymes) slow down the process to 70 hours. The final result of this unpleasant situation is 30 pounds of accumulates waste.

Condition called constipation is the most common sign for waste in your body. You have painful or infrequent elimination of the waste material during constipation.

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