The Mysterious Alien Implants

The case of Alien abductions and alien implants has been a fascinating subject for years, if proven to be true, it could be considered as one of the best pieces of evidence that points towards the existence of otherworldly beings.

After years of researcher on the UFO phenomena by different individuals worldwide, there is a tremendous amount of "official" information that has been made available for people around the globe.

The National Archives of the United Kingdom, for example, published in 2013 a wide range of information ranging from testimonies of sightings, photographs and even drawings to prove human contact with extraterrestrial beings.

Whether aliens exist or not is something that has "never" been officially answered yet the question has not changed for years, even though in the last decade, tremendous evidence has been made averrable which directly points towards the existence of not only extraterrestrial beings, but beings from other "dimensions".

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