Nuclear Explosion on Mars?

Everyone on Earth was really excited to learn that the red planet wasn’t that Red in the past when scientists finally admitted that Mars had an ocean in the past and while the world was focused on the report of scientists from NASA, the Mars orbiter launched by the Indian Space Agency (ISRO) was patently looking at something that according to some happened more recently – what appears to be a mushroom cloud on the planet’s surface.

The Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) or also called Mangalyaan launched on November 5, 2013, and entered Mars’ orbit on 24 September 2014.

The images taken by the Mars Color Camara (MCC) aboard India’s orbiter took some pretty interesting images, and among those images is one that has caught the attention of paranormal researchers and ufologists alike.

The image that has got a lot of people talking about is the one where apparently, there is a mushroom cloud on the surface of Mars, a cloud very similar to those of nuclear bombs that have gone off on Earth, so the big question is… what is it? Is it just another pareidolia phoneme?

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