Air Force One Officer: ET Craft Fired a Ray of Light and Landed at ET White House Base

Will Allen a professional photographer and former White House/Air Force Engineer states:

“I have photographs of extraterrestrial craft coming in to land at an extraterrestrial base under or around the White House underneath the Potomac River.”

Mr. Allen stated, “On July 20, 2010 at 3:18:07 AM in NW Washington DC, approximately one mile south east of the White House, I imaged a slow moving hyperdimensional Extraterrestrial space craft pulse through the sky, and then (observed the UFO) fired a ray of light or directed energy beam in the vicinity of the White House.

Mr. Allen, who grew up on U.S. military bases and now resides in Washington, DC, has stated that at age five he was visited by a group of “four to five grey extraterrestrials in silver spacesuits” who implanted him with a device.

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