
Motorist Snaps Photos of Triangular Shaped UFO

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Low Flying Triangular Shaped UFO Over Valley Forge, PA 1-12-15

By Roger Marsh

     A Pennsylvania witness at Valley Forge reported watching a “brightly lit, triangular-shaped object hovering over the trees,” according to testimony in Case 62584 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was driving home from work northwest along Gulph Road towards Phoenixville and away from King of Prussia when the object was first noticed.

“I noticed three very bright lights just over the tree line in the distance,” the witness stated. “I think I noticed them just about the time I passed the Washington Memorial Chapel. The lights were side-by-side.” . . .

. . . “It was moving, but slowly. When I was finally back on a straight part of the road, I had decided that this was just too weird and started snapping pictures. As I got closer it was more apparent to me that this wasn’t a plane or a helicopter. I considered pulling over, but had someone behind me. It was also very dark and 17 degrees outside.” . . .

. . . “This is when I realized that it was literally just above the tree line and shaped like a triangle. Once I was past the lights I could distinguish the shape vividly.”

The witness was upset over the experience. . . .
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