PRC Inc. Boycotts World Bank-IMF Meet in Tokyo

In case you missed it, there's been very interesting news these past few days over the mass boycott of Chinese banks, presenters and other participants who were originally scheduled to be at the upcoming World Bank-IMF meetings to be held in Tokyo starting this coming Tuesday. Those expressing uncertainty over attendance include the "big four" state-owned banks the Agricultural Bank of China, the Bank of China, China Construction Bank and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. What's more, other banks have also pulled out of a big financial services shindig in Osaka scheduled for month's end. From the WSJ:
Japan's territorial dispute with China appears to be spilling onto the stage of global finance meetings. Several big Chinese banks say they've canceled participation in the high-profile annual meeting of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to be held in Tokyo next week as well as in the constellation of events taking place alongside. Some of the banks say they've also pulled out of another big financial-industry conference scheduled to take place in the western Japanese city of Osaka at the end of the month. 
You have to wonder how ready China is to assume more matters concerning global governance if it displays this kind of petulance. Sure the United States isn't perfect in this respect--its non-economic pet peeves spilling over into the economic realm usually deal with "human rights," and "weapons of mass destruction"--but China is on the outside looking in wishing to be among the big boys instead of being on the inside already alike the US. Moreover, it needs the support of other Asian nations if it wants to play a larger role in global governance, so its actions are rather childish:
China has long sought a more important role in such global forums, even as its dynamic economy has been playing an increasingly significant part in bolstering global growth. But some experts warn that letting bilateral spats spill into key economic and financial areas may be a sign China isn't quite ready to be at the international leaders' table.

"The point is really about China being a global player," said Fraser Howie, a Singapore-based co-author of "Red Capitalism," a book on China's financial system. "China may rightly demand a seat at the head table, but what signal does it send when they go off in a huff over these types of issues. Such boycotts are pointless." China has argued for more say for emerging markets in the matters of both the IMF and the World Bank.
Methinks China has much growing up to do. Even if Japan is equally culpable over the East China Sea dispute, it seldom links that issue to economic ones in the way the Chinese apparently do

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