UGLE Formally Severs with GLNF

The Grande Loge Nationale Française (GLNF) situation in France shows no sign of improving, and the United Grand Lodge of England has now taken the formal steps to suspend recognition of them. According to the LML in English blog site today,

At the UGLE Quarterly Communication today, in accordance with the published agenda, the Grand Lodge passed a resolution formalizing the suspension of Masonic relations with GLNF. Suspension was announced in July as an administrative recommendation, but is now confirmed and enforceable as a Grand Lodge edict.

No-one spoke against the resolution, and the vote appeared to be unanimous.

Since the GLNF remains legally recognised, UGLE Brethren who are also members under GLNF were warned that, if their GLNF Lodge repudiates the GLNF, then those Brethren might be required to resign from either that Lodge or from the UGLE. It appears that this latter point remains under consideration, and further advice may follow at a later date. This point only concerns a very small minority of GLNF members but it could have implications for those Lodges or individual masons who rally to the ULRF.

URLF is a new confederation made up of regular lodges that have split from the GLNF. So far, more than 600 lodges have left. This leaves France with no recognized Freemasonry for a growing number of GLs around the world (approximately 19 have suspended relations with GLNF, including much of Europe, and the GL of Massachusetts in this country).

GM Stifani continues to cling to power, even though he is at the center of all controversies in this imbroglio.

See also:

France: 30% of GLNF Lodges Vote To Break With Stifani
GL of Massachusetts Withdraws Recognition of GLNF
GLNF Meltdown: Grand Lodge of Ireland Rumored To Be Next
Grande Loge Nationale Française Imploding: UGLE Weighs In
France: GLNF Board of Directors Resigns
Paris Court Appoints Attorney To Administer GLNF
GLNF Grand Master Stifani Resigns . . . Sort Of

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