Showing posts with the label recognition issues

Kentucky Recognizes Prince Hall Counterpart

I just received a brief note that the Grand Lodge of Kentucky F&AM has recognized the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kentucky F&AM . No visitation privileges were granted at this…

UGLE Formally Severs with GLNF

The Grande Loge Nationale Française (GLNF) situation in France shows no sign of improving, and the United Grand Lodge of England has now taken the formal steps to suspend recognition of them. Accord…

GL of Massachusetts Withdraws Recognition of GLNF

The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts AF&AM has officially withdrawn recognition of the Grande Loge Nationale Française , at least temporarily. At their June 8th Communication, the Committee on Fore…

UGLE Responds To French Imbroglio

Speculation has brewed over whether the United Grand Lodge of England would withdraw recognition or take any other steps over the ongoing mess with the Grande Loge Nationale Française and its embat…

Washington, Oregon and the Grand Encampment

In the wake of the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons of North America's Commission on Recognition report in February concerning the formation of the Grand Priory of the Reformed and Rectifie…

Grand Lodge of West Virginia Withdraws Recognition of Ohio

This was posted today on the Grand Lodge of Ohio's website : The Grand Master of West Virginia, Gregory A. Riley, Sr., issued an edict on April 19, 2010 withdrawing fraternal recognition from the…
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