The Grand Lodge of Arizona F&AM has announced preliminary program information for its 2011 Arizona Masonic Education Academy, October 21-23 at Esplendor Resort in Rio Rico, Arizona.
The Academy program this year will concentrate on the symbolism of the Fellow Craft Degree. Presenters announced so far include WB Shawn Eyer, editor of The Philalethes magazine and Ahiman journal; WB Thomas D. Worrel, Past Master of Mill Valley Lodge in California; and John Nichols.
- Opening Ceremonies and Announcements
- Cicero as a Guide to Memorizing the Fellow Craft Lecture
- William Preston and the Temple of Learning Keynote Presentation by WB Shawn Eyer
- Alexandria and the Esoteric Thread: Hypatia and the Perfection of Sacred Geometry.
- The Masonic Letter “G”: Gamma, Gimel, or Just Plain G?
- A Spiritual Vision of the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences. Guest presenter WB Thomas Worrel. Feature contributor to Ahiman, No. 1.
- The Reverse Staircase Lecture: a Solution to an Enigma? John Nichols
- From a Superfice to a Solid: How Moral Science and Cosmic Principle Unite in Craft Masonry.
- A Ripened Ear of Corn: The Soul of a Fellow Craft and the Personal Unconscious.
- Panel Discussion.
- Grand Lodge Wrap-up and Dismissal.
Information and updates can be found here.