
Since the "Swine Flu" shows a less than 1% death rate, why bother with the vaccines?

Be on guard for incoming, unprecedented propaganda about the flu, quarantines ("keeping others safe via so-called "social distancing") over the next month and onward--in addition to massive, beyond off the charts demonization of the current IPv4 compatible Internet needing to be replaced by the NWO's enterprise architecture/RBAC/real time truth filter friendly IPv6.

Such demonization of the Internet will include, but not be limited to the following:

1) "Anyonymous" use of the Internet enables cyber-terrorism--solution: thumb, retinal biometric tyranny to authenticate you to even get online to do ANYTHING.

2) "OMFG, American people who do not want to be slaves are on "THE SAME" network as the U.S. military--the ONLY WAY to be safe is to switch to IPv6 so that we can control who has access TO OUR networks!"

3) "Current Internet infrastructure, and most software in use by millions is inherently a threat to the NWO's (i.e. the AFRL) "cyber supremacy"." Solution: All software writers worldwide must be approved by the NWO, be licensed by the NWO, have built in backdoors to the NWO for full spectrum, continuous, persistent tyrannically fascist "supervision" and surveillance.

4) The problem reaction solution implementation of the death ("smart") grid will create its own "sudden demand/need" for "cyber security".

Because it is all Ptech run, it is fully vulnerable to being cyber attacked AT WILL by the NWO Air Force "cyber command" black ops terrorist centers--to usher in further lockdown of any remaining vestiges of freedom, and fraudulently legitimize the utilization of NORTHCOM to being an active role in "securing the smart energy grid" from THEIR OWN FALSE FLAGS which will be blamed on your teengage son or daughter, or anyone you can imagine.

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