
Did The CIA Murder John Lennon?

Induced audio-hallucinations are a very well documented part of the CIA’s MK-Ultra mind-control programming, in particular in conjunction with a stimoceiver neural implant chip.

As crazy as this sounds, there is good evidence that the CIA has developed its mind-control capability to a very advanced level, that Chapman may well have undergone some form of advanced mind-control programming, and that, as a result, he may have shot John Lennon ‘under orders’.

According to Stealth, remember, Chapman was a CIA mind-control “sleeper agent”. According to Bresler, he was a long-term CIA asset via his connections to the CIA-connected organization World Vision and had almost certainly undergone some form of mental ‘programming’ during his time with the agency.

And according to Detective Arthur O’Connor, who interrogated Chapman on the night of the murder:

“It’s possible [Chapman] could have been used by somebody. I saw him the night of the murder. I studied him intensely. He looked as if he could have been programmed.”

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