Showing posts with the label MK-ULTRA

CIA’s Top-Secret MK-Ultra Mind Control Research Program

Forty years later, the story still seems hard to credit: In the summer of 1977, Capitol Hill was gripped by revelations of the CIA’s top-secret MK-Ultra mind control research program, targeti…

The CIA’s six most dangerous FOIA topics

From JFK to MKULTRA, here’s what the Agency didn’t want getting released to the public In a 1978 memo urging the curbing of the newly-empowered Freedom of Information Act, the CIA compiled a list of …

Two Key Things That Got Overlooked About Project MK Ultra

What is The Deep State?

The Secret Horrors of MK Ultra


Operation MKULTRA was an umbrella for a series of CIA experiments with drugs, hypnosis, sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, electroshocks, and other forms of torture on uninformed Americans and C…

List of 149 MKULTRA Subprojects

Complete list of all 149 MKULTRA subprojects. Who, When, What, Where, Why, and How, and links to FOIA documents available for each subproject. I’ve included the MORI ID to official documents obtained…

April 13, 1953: CIA OKs MK-ULTRA Mind-Control Tests

Central Intelligence Agency director Allen Dulles authorizes the MK-ULTRA project. The agency launches one of its most dubious covert programs ever, turning unsuspecting humans into guinea pigs for i…

H.P. Albarelli Jr. - Germ Warfare, CIA, LSD and the Murder of Dr. Frank Olson

We have H.P. Albarelli, Jr. with us to talk about Biological Warfare, the CIA's experimentation with LSD and the murder of microbiologist Dr. Frank Olson. We talk about the U.S. army and Frank Ol…

Did the CIA Test LSD in the NYC Subway?

Albarelli spent more than a decade sifting through more than 100,000 pages of government documents and his most startling chestnut might be his claim that the intelligence community conducted aerosol…

French bread spiked with LSD in CIA experiment

In 1951, a quiet, picturesque village in southern France was suddenly and mysteriously struck down with mass insanity and hallucinations. At least five people died, dozens were interned in asylums …

A Terrible Mistake: H.P. Albarelli’s Investigation into CIA Scientist’s Murder, at the Crossroads of Mind Control and Assassination

For well over half a century, the CIA (and its predecessor, OSS) has been violating the Geneva Conventions and the United States Constitution, subjecting the guilty and innocent alike to "crue…

The Real Roots of the CIA’s Rendition and Black Sites Program

Over the past decade, many Americans have been shocked and disturbed about the CIA's secret program of rendition and torture carried out in numerous secret sites (dubbed "black sites"…

CIA prevented 7,000 soldiers from getting medical care after they were subjected to experiments on mind control

A federal judge in San Francisco has given the green light to an action by Vietnam vets saying the CIA prevented roughly 7,000 human subjects from getting medical care after they were subjected to …

How the US Government Created the 'Drug Problem' in the USA

The Navy tested mescaline as part of its 1947–53 Project CHATTER. MK-ULTRA was first organized in 1949 by Richard Helms under the direction of Allen Dulles as Project BLUEBIRD. Two years later, it …

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura Episode 6 - Manchurian Candidate

Did The CIA Murder John Lennon?

Induced audio-hallucinations are a very well documented part of the CIA’s MK-Ultra mind-control programming, in particular in conjunction with a stimoceiver neural implant chip. As crazy as this so…

Public Menace-Private Profit: America's Biowarfare Alliance

The close proximity of U.S. biological warfare programs and the pharmaceutical industry is hardly an historical accident. From its inception, American research drew from a rich pool of biomedical r…

The CIA Mind Control Doctors: From Harvard to Guantanamo

The CIA funded TOP SECRET research at many leading universities including Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Johns Hopkins and Stanford. There was a series of CIA mind control programs including BLUEBIRD, ART…

Top 10 Weirdest CIA Programs

Over the years, the American Central Intelligence Agency has gained a reputation for being the most far-reaching, sophisticated, and effective government intelligence agency on the planet. At the s…
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