
Shameless CIA seeks to dismiss MK-ULTRA military veterans lawsuit

The Central Intelligence Agency is seeking to dismiss the class action first amendment complaint by the Vietnam Veterans of America and other military veterans. The veterans were victims of CIA chemical and mind control experiments, which were part of the MK-ULTRA project.

The CIA defense seeks the dismissal based on legal premises that the veterans’ claims ‘time-barred.’ Also the defense is claiming that plaintiffs lack legal standing because congress has already investigated all matters regarding MK-ULTRA, and therefore the complaints are not justifiable.

Furthermore, the CIA defense attorneys claim that the veterans cannot request ‘damages’ for the misconduct and negligence of the CIA during the MK-ULTRA experiments because they already receive VA medical benefits.

The defense is also citing the Ferris Doctrine –which states that military veterans cannot sue the government if they were victims of negligence- and previous legal precedents as examples of how the Supreme Court has already ruled in favor of the government in similar cases. The CIA legal team is also claiming that the court has no jurisdiction in this case.

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