Pandemic Nonsense: Flying Pig Flu

Are globalist fear-mongers driving the media to panic the public into universal healthcare solutions? Or federally-mandated vaccinations?

There are some big problems with the current outbreak of flying pig flu. If there has been foul play, it may never be brought to light. Still, tough questions need to be asked:

* While it is not unknown for pigs to become infected with the H5N1 virus, the result has always been a less-lethal and less-contagious virus than avian flu by itself. Why is this epidemic so obviously contagious?
* How would genetic code from three continents find its way into a single strain in Mexico City?
* Is this virus an escaped experiment from a project gone awry?
* If man-made and not accidentally released, then who released it, and why?

As we contemplate these questions, watch the stock prices of major pharma companies skyrocket as they gear up to sell billions in vaccines. Watch governments as they declare mandatory vaccination programs. Watch the Obama administration as it railroads universal healthcare through Congress.

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