Google and Yahoo have famously been criticized for watering down their search technologies to remove offensive terms in order to operate in the presumably lucrative China market. It's a human rights violation! It's pure greed and unethical business practice besides! I am indifferent; as long as my humble journal gets through to the good people of Haining and Shangdong, my rational choice is to care less. I'd probably change my opinion if I too got censored. Right now though I will not succumb to GSP martyrdom as Wikipedia did. You can bet your bottom renminbi that I love my Chinese readership (yes, there are some who come by once in a while). To establish my socialist credentials, let me say for the record that Hu Jintao has great hair. And, Wen Jiabao is the very picture of a modern world leader with his concern for the environment. Those censors should be cheering for me right about now...