Showing posts with the label privacy

UK spies using social media data for mass surveillance

Privacy rights group Privacy International says it has obtained evidence for the first time that UK spy agencies are collecting social media information on potentially millions of people. It has als…

LAPD becomes nation's largest police department to test drones after oversight panel signs off on controversial program

After months of often-heated debate, a civilian oversight panel Tuesday signed off on a yearlong test of drones by the Los Angeles Police Department, which will become the largest police department i…

Senate Intelligence Officials Plan to Question Treasury Department Over 'Alarming' Surveillance Report

US officials are denying accusations raised in an incredible BuzzFeed News report published Friday, in which a senior US Treasury official accused the intelligence arm of the Treasury Department of …

US Intelligence Unit Accused Of Illegally Spying On Americans’ Financial Records

The intelligence division at the Treasury Department has repeatedly and systematically violated domestic surveillance laws by snooping on the private financial records of US citizens and companies, a…

Warrantless cellphone tracking is unconstitutional, rules D.C. appeals court

The D.C. Court of Appeals found that District police violated a man’s constitutional rights by using cellphone surveillance technology to track his location without a warrant, reversing his robbery a…

Equifax Says Cyberattack May Have Affected 143 Million Customers

Equifax, one of the three major consumer credit reporting agencies, said on Thursday that hackers had gained access to company data that potentially compromised sensitive information for 143 million …

How Google is secretly recording YOU through your mobile, monitoring millions of conversations every day and storing the creepy audio files

DID you know that Google has been recording you without your knowledge? The technology giant has effectively turned millions of its users' smartphones into listening devices that can capture inti…

If The FBI Has Your Biometrics, It Doesn't Have to Tell You

A new rule will prevent millions of people from finding out if their fingerprints, iris scans and other biometric information is stored in a massive federal database. The FBI’s Next Generation Identi…

FBI didn’t need warrant for stingray in attempted murder case, DOJ says

Weeks before a key hearing, federal prosecutors have submitted their formal opposition to an attempted murder suspect’s recent efforts to suppress evidence found through the warrantless use of an FBI…

Digital Privacy to Come Under Supreme Court’s Scrutiny

To obtain electronic communications, the government must obtain a warrant for any that are held for 180 days or fewer by a computer service provider. This means establishing probable cause that the e…

Surveillance without Borders: The “Traffic Shaping” Loophole and Why It Matters

This report describes a novel and more disturbing set of risks. As a technical matter, the NSA does not have to wait for domestic communications to naturally turn up abroad. In fact, the agency has t…

Legal loopholes could allow wider NSA surveillance, researchers say

Secret loopholes exist that could allow the National Security Agency to bypass Fourth Amendment protections to conduct massive domestic surveillance on U.S. citizens, according to leading academics. …

NSA's use of 'traffic shaping' allows unrestrained spying on Americans

By using a "traffic shaping" technique, the National Security Agency sidestepped legal restrictions imposed by lawmakers and the surveillance courts. A new analysis of documents leaked by …

Privacy Organization Urges Congress To Examine FBI’s Secret Biometric ID Program

Known as the Next Generation Identification system, since 2014 the FBI has amassed more than 50 million images scoured from facial recognition alone; and, as reported by the Electronic Frontier Foun…

John McAfee On WikiLeaks Dump: CIA Operation "Cherry Blossom" Hacking Residential Routers

Privacy, Control & the Darknet – Alex Winter with Abby Martin

Supreme Court to decide if a warrant is needed to track a suspect through cellphone records

The Supreme Court will decide next term whether law enforcement authorities need a warrant to track suspects through their cellphone records, the justices announced Monday. The decision to accept the…

Busted: Vermont DMV Caught Using Illegal Facial Recognition Program

The American Civil Liberties Union of Vermont has obtained internal Department of Motor Vehicles records describing a DMV facial recognition program that is banned by Vermont state law and compromise…

NYPD Refuses to Disclose Information About Its Face Recognition Program, So Privacy Researchers Are Suing

RESEARCHERS AT GEORGETOWN University law school filed a Freedom of Information lawsuit against the New York City Police Department today for the agency’s refusal to disclose documents about its longs…

N.S.A. Halts Collection of Americans’ Emails About Foreign Targets

The National Security Agency said Friday that it had halted one of the most disputed practices of its warrantless surveillance program, ending a once-secret form of wiretapping that dates to the Bush…
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