Showing posts with the label Nebraska

Nevada refuses Pfizer demand to return drugs state plans to use in execution

Pfizer warns Nebraska to return any lethal injection drugs it has manufactured that state may have

U.S.: The Skewed Politics of the Death Penalty

Editorial: Nebraska follows voters’ wishes with death penalty plans

Pending challenges of Nebraska's death penalty system could affect state's latest execution efforts

Nebraska moving forward with execution plans for Norfolk killer Jose Sandoval

Nebraska death-row inmate John Lotter denied in latest appeal

Nebraska Supreme Court agrees to take death-row inmate's appeal

Lawyers contest constitutionality of Nebraska death penalty

Nebraska inmate facing death penalty files motion contesting its constitutionality

Chambers' new effort to repeal death penalty elicits emotional testimony before Nebraska Legislature

UFO Triangle Reported By Police Officer

A Nebraska police officer in Omaha reported watching a slow-moving triangle UFO under 500 feet above a local Walmart store, according to testimony in Case 74492 from the Mutual UFO Network (MU…

UFOs Spotted Over Omaha

By Roger Marsh OpenMinds.tv 4-6-15      A Nebraska witness at Omaha reported watching three, “cylinder-shaped objects” flying slowly in formation, according to testimony in Case 64336 from the Mut…
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