Showing posts with the label MK-ULTRA

MKULTRA Legacy: The Stain of Dishonor and the Prerequisites for Redemption

Despite the passage of four decades, America and its military have never come to grips with its own ghastly programs of using soldiers as guinea pigs to test chemical or biological weapons such as…

Shameless CIA seeks to dismiss MK-ULTRA military veterans lawsuit

The Central Intelligence Agency is seeking to dismiss the class action first amendment complaint by the Vietnam Veterans of America and other military veterans. The veterans were victims of CIA che…

Uncle Sam's Human Lab Rats

Their stories are a staple of conspiracy culture: broken men, suffering hallucinations and near-total amnesia, who say they are victims of secret government mind-control experiments. Think Liev Sch…

Declassified CIA documents show mind control projects created super spies, terrorists, assassins

The astonishing quotes from CIA documents below reveal detailed, successful experiments in highly secret, government-sponsored mind control programs. Through hypnosis, drugs, and electric shock, CI…

Evidence of Revision

This is the mindblowing 6-part,10 hour, video documentary series Evidence of Revision whose purpose is to present the publicly unavailable and even suppressed historical audio, video and film rec…
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