Showing posts with the label Korea

The Last Time the United States Sought to Withdraw from South Korea

by Robert E. Kelly Source Link President Donald Trump has hinted for years that he is dissatisfied with the U.S. alliance with South Korea. Will he try to withdraw troops from South Korea if he is re…

North Korea’s Sanctions-Busting Gets More Sophisticated—and More Lucrative

Neil Bhatiya  Sou rce Link As a United Nations report revealed earlier this month, North Korea continues to dodge international sanctions and raise money for its nuclear weapons program, despite att…

North Korea’s Sanctions-Busting Gets More Sophisticated—and More Lucrative

Neil Bhatiya Source Link As a United Nations report revealed earlier this month, North Korea continues to dodge international sanctions and raise money for its nuclear weapons program, despite attem…

We Are Teetering on the Edge of a Hinge Point With North Korea

SIEGFRIED S. HECKER, ROBERT L. CARLIN Source Link It is a hair-raising fact that since 2001, North Korea has gone from zero nuclear weapons to an arsenal that is likely between 30 and 60. The common …

Why North Korea Denuclearization Is Such a Long Shot

Source Link North Korea denuclearization efforts have been at the forefront of the international agenda for more than two years, but there is little progress so far. Critics say the Trump administrat…

Why the Japan-South Korea Dispute Just Got Worse

Source Link By Scott A. Snyder Seoul’s decision to abandon an important military intelligence-sharing agreement with Tokyo could hurt regional security and U.S. interests related to China and North K…

Korea's Future Is Dying (Thanks to Demographics)

Source Link by  Anthony Fensom South Korea's demographic decline could lead to a structural slowdown that puts a permanent brake on growth. Threats to South Korea’s survival are not only from the…

James Schoff: Japan and Korea 'Have Given up on Each Other'

By Ankit Panda Source Link In August, Japan and South Korea both upped the ante in their intensifying trade dispute. Japan made good on its threat to remove South Korea from a “white list” of trusted…

Why the world should be watching the diplomatic crisis between Japan and South Korea

Source Link A geopolitical crisis is unfolding in Asia. It is not one which comes immediately to mind: the confrontation with Iran in the Gulf, India’s abolition of Kashmiri statehood, the continuin…

A Japan-South Korea Dispute Hundreds of Years in the Making

by Harry J. Kazianis  Source Link Tensions between Japan and South Korea spiked once more last Thursday when the Blue House announced their intention to step out of the General Security Military Inf…
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