Showing posts with the label Ceres

Bright Spots on Ceres May Be Evidence of Aliens, Says NASA

Active worlds can turn up in unexpected places. For proof, look no further than the mysterious dwarf planet Ceres.   NASA's Dawn spacecraft has been exploring Ceres, the largest object in the ast…

Wow! Astronomers Just Found Evidence Of An Ancient Ocean On Dwarf Planet Ceres

In March of 2015, NASA’s Dawn mission arrived around Ceres, a protoplanet that is the largest object in the Asteroid Belt. Along with Vesta, the Dawn mission seeks to characterize the conditions and …

Wow! Astronomers Just Found Evidence Of An Ancient Ocean On Dwarf Planet Ceres

In March of 2015, NASA’s Dawn mission arrived around Ceres, a protoplanet that is the largest object in the Asteroid Belt. Along with Vesta, the Dawn mission seeks to characterize the conditions and …

Those Bright Spots On Ceres Just Got A Bit More Weirder

A study has looked at the enigmatic bright spots on Ceres, which continue to be a source of mystery, finding that they may all have a common origin. The study, led by Ernesto Palomba from the Nationa…

If They Aliens Discover Us Before We Discover Them (Redux)

Talking the walk ...      Don’t know about you, but I’m loving those mystery lights on Ceres as NASA’s surveillance probe, Dawn, bears down on the biggest chunk of real estate in the asteroid belt. …

Is There Alien Life on Dwarf Planet, Ceres?

SCIENTISTS have discovered an abundance of water ice on the dwarf planet Ceres, suggesting it could potentially be home to alien life. By Sean Martin The Daily Express 12-16-16 The tiny sub…

Ceres' Mysterious Bright Spots Mysteriously Change | VIDEO

When NASA’s Dawn mission witnessed Ceres’ weird bright spots up-close for the first time, planetary scientists were baffled. What material could produce such a bright feature on an otherwise gr…

"... If They [Aliens] Discover Us Before We Discover Them ..."

In 2011, two astrophysicists theorized in the International Journal of Astrobiology that spacefaring civilizations might be engaged in Targeted Asteroid Mining operations between Mars and Jupiter/CRE…
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