Showing posts with the label Al-Qaeda

The Man Who Conned The Pentagon

The man’s name is Dennis Montgomery, a self-proclaimed scientist who said he could predict terrorist attacks. Operating with a small software development company, he apparently convinced the Bush Wh…

Vietnam-lite is unveiled

By Pepe Escobar Taking pains to distance his new policy from the Vietnam trauma, Obama stressed, "Unlike Vietnam, the American people were viciously attacked from Afghanistan." Wrong. If…

Fort Hood & the KSM trial- Part II: The al Qaeda Spy Who Could Be the Best Witness vs. KSM in NY

Why Didn’t the Feds Get the 9/11 Plot out of Ali Mohamed? By Peter Lance As bin Laden’s trusted security advisor Ali Mohamed almost certainly knew of the planes-as-missiles operation that KSM was e…

Rep. Hinchey: Bush ‘intentionally let Bin Laden get away’

The Bush administration permitted the world's most notorious terrorist mastermind to escape because it needed additional justification to invade Iraq, according to a Democratic lawmaker from Ne…

Fort Hood & the KSM trial- Part I: What do these terrorism stories have in common?

Al Qaeda’s Master Spy could be the key to them both by Peter Lance In its firestorm of coverage, the mainstream media has overlooked a potential link between the two biggest domestic terrorism st…

Blackwater's Secret War in Pakistan

By Jeremy Scahill At a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, members of an elite division of Blackwater are at …

CIA says it gets its money's worth from Pakistani spy agency

The CIA has funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to Pakistan's intelligence service since the Sept. 11 attacks, accounting for as much as one-third of the foreign spy agency's annual bu…

Afghanistan - What is it all about?

The US blamed Al Qaeda for the 9/11 attack and this was why this particular area became their first priority. What President Bush didn't tell you is that he had already made plans to attack Afg…

America's Phoney War in Afghanistan

by F. William Engdahl The US military is in Afghanistan for two reasons. First to restore and control the world’s largest supply of opium for the world heroin markets and to use the drugs as a geop…


There is a compelling argument, put forward by a respected American academic, that Bin Laden was killed eight years ago. Professor David Ray Griffin, who has written authoritative books on the 9/11…

N.Y. 9/11 trial looms: Feds weigh moving ex-Al Qaeda 'military commander' Khalid Shaikh Mohammed

The confessed 9/11 mastermind and four other killers from Guantanamo Bay may soon be flown to New York to face death penalty trials, the Daily News has learned. Attorney General Eric Holder and Def…

Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?

by David Ray Griffin Objective Evidence that Bin Laden is Dead The objective evidence includes the following facts: First, up until mid-December 13, 2001, the CIA had regularly been intercepting m…

Lurid Butt Bomb Threat Used to Expand Airport Full Body Scans

Airport Gestapo zones where everybody is considered a terrorist until proven otherwise will eventually be expanded to the streets, malls, and public buildings of America. The purpose is not to ferr…

Al Qaeda Bombers Learn from Drug Smugglers

New Technique of Storing Bomb Materials Inside Body Cavity Nearly Kills a Saudi Prince Taking a trick from the narcotics trade - which has long smuggled drugs in body cavities - Asieri had a pound…

Obama will bypass Congress to detain suspects indefinitely

President Barack Obama has quietly decided to bypass Congress and allow the indefinite detention of terrorist suspects without charges. The move, which was controversial when the idea was first flo…

Has Osama Bin Laden been dead for seven years - and are the U.S. and Britain covering it up to continue war on terror?

This week, still more questions have been raised with the publication in America and Britain of a book called Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive? Written by political analyst and philosopher Professor …

Informant says FBI threw away chance to catch alleged 9/11 plotter

A Lebanon-native who pretended to be an Islamic extremist at the behest of American authorities claims that the FBI took him off the trail of alleged 9/11 plotter Mohammed Atta right as a window of…

Identity Of CIA Officer Responsible For Pre-9/11 Failures, Tora Bora Escape, Rendition To Torture Revealed

The name of the CIA officer who ran Alec Station, the agency’s bin Laden unit, in the run-up to 9/11 can be revealed. Known by a variety of aliases in the media until now, such as “Rich” in Steve C…

Former CIA agent's hunt for bin Laden in Pakistani badlands

There has not been one credible lead on bin Laden in years. His nickname among some CIA hunters is Elvis because of all the bogus and fanciful sightings. The CIA has been successful in killing many…

Blackwater Accused of Creating 'Killing Program'

A memo obtained by SPIEGEL indicates that cooperation between the CIA and private security firm Blackwater was deeper than previously known. SPIEGEL has uncovered further details about a plan to set …
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